Article submission:
This Guidelines help you maintain consistency in language, authors follow the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, Formatting, and Visual style, choose acceptable materials for supporting information and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals. The authors should follow the journals standard and format at every step of processing. The documents containing the manuscript should be a single MS Word file.
Please read the guidelines below then visit the journal’s submission site [Submission Link] to upload your manuscript.
Each article accepted by peer review is made freely available to read, the work you are submitting for the first publication in the journal and that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere and has not already been published elsewhere and that you have obtained and can supply all necessary permissions for the reproduction of any copyright works not owned by you.
All type of articles should contain an abstract or summary of not more than 300 words apart from the main text. The summary should be brief about the purpose of the study, methodology adopted and highlights of the major findings.
Article types:
We accept submissions such as Research Articles, Review Articles, Case Reports, Clinical Images, Short Communications, Special Issue Articles, Editorials, Commentary.
Guidelines for Article Preparation:
Research articles: A research article should contain no more than 4500–5000 words, there is no limit on the pages, images, tables.
Review articles: The maximum word count for review article is 4000-5000, there is no limit on number of pages, images, tables.
Case studies/Case Report: The submitted Case Report should have 1200–1600 words, with no limitation on the pages, figures, and references
Clinical Images: clinical images should have a maximum of 2 images, along with a word limit of 150.
Short Communications: It should specify the research study in the author’s opinion using a maximum of 1200–1300 words.
Special Issue Articles: A Special Issue is a collection of articles that concentrates on a topical research area within the scope of a journal. Should contain a maximum of 4000–5000 words, with no limit on the number of references, pages, and images being used.
Editorials: A maximum of 1000–1500 words, with no specification on the pages, references, and images used.
[Publication Name] follow the below given format for the manuscript which need to be submitted to our journals
Cover letter: The articles must always be accompanied by a cover letter, need to have confirmation that the content of the manuscript has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. It should also have a statement of the main point of the article. Names, affiliations, and e-mail addresses of five potential referees can be mentioned.
Abstract: Abstract or summary should describe the main objectives of the study. Summary word limit should not be more than 300 words apart from the main text. Abstracts should be free of citations.
Title: Title should be a proper description and relevant to the work provided. Following information should be included: author names along with affiliation and corresponding author details which includes, telephone number and Email address.
Introduction: Introduction should be able to provide the background of the study. It needs to be descriptive and citations need to be provided.
Materials and Methods: Particular details and/or practices for new approaches have to be mentioned, by submitting your manuscript to the journal; you give your consent for the materials described in the manuscript, for the used protocols the proper citations have to be mentioned.
Results and Discussion: The results and discussions must be providing the results. Illustrate the results of the experiments, the interpretation of these results.
Conclusion: The conclusion must succintly tell the reader how and why it is that what's been presented is significant for practice.
Figures and Figure Legends: Submission of Figures must be only in high-resolution TIFF, and JPEG formats. Figures legends should be in numerical order on a separate document.
Tables: We strongly support authors to submit tables in .doc format. Each and every table should be in a separate page. Tables should be self-explanatory without reference to the body. The content and explanation about the table need to be mentioned in the note below and not in the heading.
Acknowledgement: The authors must seek the consent of the contributors, whom they would like to mention in this section as a matter of courtesy need to provide the funding details and the grant numbers if any. They might acknowledge their supported work.
References: Vancouver referencing style is used. Correct formatting of the references is important. The numbers are assigned in a sequent order. The numbering can be shown in brackets or as a superscript without brackets.
Reference Format: In the event of reuse of the earlier reference, the same reference number needs to be used.
Examples of references
Journal Format:
Name of the authors. Title. Journal short name. Year;Volume(Issue):Page numbers.
Article with more than 6 authors:
Author 01, Author 02, Author 03, Author 04, Author 05, Author 06, et al. Title. Journal short name. Year;Volume(Issue):Page numbers.
Books Format:
Name of the author. Title of the book. Name of the chapter. Volume no. Edition. Edited by XXXX. Name of the city: Place; Year: Page numbers.
Abbreviations: If any abbreviations are used in the study, their first usage has to be mentioned in full form along with the usage abbreviation in brackets. If there are too many abbreviations they have to be mentioned below the keywords.
Article Publication Charges (APC)
Article Processing Charges (APC) is charged to the author of the article that is being published. It involves, Editor Assessment and decision making, proof reading, peer review, online publishing with high quality PDF and HTML and Indexing. Article Publication Charges differs from journal to journal and availability of Funding Support, and the income status of the country. The authors need to pay full amount as withdrawal charge if the article is under review stage or accepted for publication how ever there is no charge for the authors if they wish to withdraw their manuscript from initial stages of processing.
The manuscript which has been submitted should not be published or submitted in any other journal. Manuscripts with plagiarized content will not be considered for peer-review process. Copyright aims to protect the specific description or content of a research and results of the article. . If an author becomes aware of a potential plagiarism, fraud or infringement, we recommend contacting us immediately.